New rules for 2024 will appear in red.
1. Shooters must provide their own firearms, ammunition, and safety equipment.
2. Protective eyewear must be worn at all times while on the firing line. Hearing protection is optional but is highly recommended.
3. There are no loaded firearms allowed on the property until shooters are on the firing line.
4. Shooters may use their own rests and shooting sticks or provided rests and shooting sticks. No bipods allowed. Come early to get familiar with provided equipment. A cushion of no more that 2" thickness may be used for the seated positions.
5. Divisions are open to hunting style rifles with light to no modifications only with the exception of the precision/target division. These decisions will be made by the tournament director. If there are any questions, please contact us prior to the event.
6. Firearms may not be loaded until range master gives the command.
7. Each shooter is allowed to bring their range bag with protective equipment and ammunition to the firing line.
8. Once on the firing line, shooters may remove rifles from cases, if applicable, as well as numerically necessary live rounds of ammunition, magazine if applicable, and remove scope caps if applicable.
9. At the range master’s command, shooters on the firing line will have a maximum of five (5) minutes to adjust shooting sticks, load and charge their rifle, and fire the number of shots allowed for the station.
10. In the event of a misfire, the shooter may reload with the extra ammunition allotted if time permits.
11. Any shooter that fires before or after the signal, or fires too many shots, will take zero (0) points for that station.
12. The maximum scope magnification is 14x. If the shooters scope will go beyond 14x, they may only use 14x. Range master will verify while on firing line. Violations will result in zero (0) points for that station.
13. No scope adjustments may be made on the firing line. Violations will result in zero (points) for the station.
14. Each station has an assigned number of points possible. In the event of questionable shot placement, the target judge will make a ruling. The target judge has been properly trained.
15. The number of shots allowed at each station are as follows:
25 yards - 4 (Max points 4)
50 yards - 4 (Max points 4)
75 yards - 1 (Max points 1)
100 yards - 1 (Max points 2)
125 yards - 1 (Max points 2)
150 yards - 1 (Max points 3)
175 yards - 1 (Max points 3)
200 yards - 1 (Max points 6)
A total of 14 shots for a possible 25 points.
16. All ties will be decided by a shoot off. Shoot offs will start at 100 yards. Targets will be moved back in increments of 25 yards until a winner has been decided. There may be only one (1) winner for each division.
17. The event will be held regardless of the weather conditions. No refunds will be given unless the facility itself closes.